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Monday, December 15, 2014

Black Friday Thoughts

After Thanksgiving people really look forward to Black Friday.  I always thought it had something to do with Thanksgiving and tried to search for the reasons of its origin, but all in vain.

It’s just another ‘SALE’ where brands drop their price thus- attracting consumers from all over the country, even the neighbors from the north. Originated in the US, it is now become a trend the world over. The day begins early with people scurrying around to get the ‘BEST’ deal! Often, for things they don’t need. It’s crazy.

This reminds me of Mumbai, 10 to 15 years ago, before the advent of the Big Bazars and Dmarts when people from the suburbs would travel for an hour (or even more) go to Crawford Market and buy loads of stuff. Even stuff they don’t need – Why?  It’s Cheap. Thinking they may probably need it sometime in the near future. It was like that place had Black Friday Sale all year round. At the end, it’s st all craze- people thinking that they are saving money. Well maybe they are or maybe or maybe they aren't .  

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