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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Occam's Razor

The other day, I was reading a book and came across the term Occams razor. It is a philosophical principle that has applications in the field of problem solving.  It states that among all the possible solutions, the one that has the least assumptions should be selected.  The book was about mineral exploration by Majoribanks. He goes on to say that every exploration geologist should follow the principle of Occam's razor

If everyone followed this principle in more aspects of their lives, life would be simpler.  We tend to complicate things sometimes by over thinking about things. It can sometimes affect relationships with the people around us or hinder us from developing new relationships. We read about so much of violence happening today, police brutality etc. I feel, if more people followed this principle then violence around us would certainly reduce. Life is meant to be simple. We don't need to complicate it.

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