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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Not what it used to be.

I joined the social media bandwagon way back in the early 2000s when I first registered on Orkut. The younger generation will not have heard of Orkut which is long in its grave now. The popularity of Orkut started to decline with the advent of Facebook and so did my loyalty towards Orkut. I eventually switched to Facebook. Over the years many other social media sites came up but Facebook still tops my list.

Facebook is a good way to keep in touch with people across the globe. If you hadnt seen someone for years, you could just go on facebook and browse through their photos to see how much their bellies have grown horizontally or shrunk or the places they have been to and place they have settled in. Those were the good old days. 

The reason I say those good old days, is because the other day, while surfing Facebook, I realized that there wasn't a single update of a friend but random videos, inspirational quotes, tips on life etc.  This got me thinking. What then is the purpose of all this? The whole point of me logging on to Facebook was to catch up with friends and see what they were up to in their lives.  If I wanted fitness tips or tips on life I would have just Googled it.

I may sound a little old fashioned when I say, I wish Facebook would go back to being the way it was. When it was only about the people I followed. Don't you sometimes wish you could get rid of the clutter?

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